Category: Time Management
Bring Yourself Joy with Time Management
Life isn’t all about work. By focusing your day on what matters most to you, you can accomplish what you need to and bring yourself joy with time management at the same time. There’s a quote by Jim Rohn that says “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot…
Do You Want More Time or More Money?
Did you know a Google search of “how to get more time” yields more than 9 billion results, while “how to get more money results in 183 million? This clearly shows that the vast majority of people value their time more than money. GOOGLE SEARCHES Most people think the problem is there just isn’t enough…
Is Work-Life Balance Really Attainable?
Balancing your time between your work and your personal life can seem like an impossible goal. In today’s world, communicating 24/7 is the norm and there appears to be no end in sight. Between the pressures of demanding work and our family responsibilities, finding balance can be extremely challenging. Yet, it’s still important to take…
3 Ways to Reduce Stress with Time Management
Get off the hamster wheel and reduce stress with time management! I work with clients daily who are experiencing more stress as business owners than is healthy. Here are three ways you can inject some calm into your busy business life. I Wish I Had More Time How many times have you thought to yourself…
What’s Your Time Management Style?
Did you know that everyone has their own personal time management style? Your style has a strong influence on your approach to managing your time and getting things done. Therefore, it’s helpful to understand those influences and take them into consideration in order to maximize your productivity. There are 5 common time management styles. Find…
Is Overwhelm Holding You Back?
Are you one of the many people who wake up feeling anxious and overwhelmed thinking about the busy day ahead? If so, it helps to remember that you are not alone! We all have busy lives and demands on our time. And even though overwhelm can leave you feeling stuck, it doesn’t have to hold…
Don’t Take Time For Granted
“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” — Jim Rohn It’s been said that your time is one the most valuable things in your life. Yet it’s all too easy to take time for granted. If this statement is true, it would make sense to…
How Habits Affect Your Productivity
Daily Habits Did you know that your productivity is directly related to your daily habits? For instance, you may start your day with an idea of what you want to accomplish, but if you aren’t in the habit of deliberately planning your day, you are more likely to get distracted and lose focus. Your ingrained habits…
Take Control of Your Time
Sidetracked Most of us are familiar with how frustrating it is to start the day with a plan, only to be sidetracked by the latest “emergency.” Avoiding distractions often feels impossible. But if you take a closer look at the causes, you may find that you have a choice to address certain situations at a…
Do’s and Don’ts for Less Holiday Stress this Season
Holiday Joy, Holiday Stress The holiday season can be a joyous time. But it’s also the time of year when extra demands on your time can increase your stress and your ability to stay focused on your business. I originally posted a similar version of these tips a few years ago and I think they…
Balance and Boundaries
Balance One of my favorite quotes about balance is by Betsy Jacobson. She says: “Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management.” In essence, she reminds us that we must take measures to protect our time, which includes setting clear boundaries with others. Ideal Work-Life Balance What is the ideal balance between work…
You Can Beat Procrastination
Why We Put Things Off Have you ever stayed up all night to get something done because you waited until the last minute? Most of us have experienced procrastination at one time or another. There are many reasons why people procrastinate: fear of becoming overwhelmed because a project seems too big fear of failing lack of…