Category: Productivity
Bring Yourself Joy with Time Management
Life isn’t all about work. By focusing your day on what matters most to you, you can accomplish what you need to and bring yourself joy with time management at the same time. There’s a quote by Jim Rohn that says “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot…
Is Work-Life Balance Really Attainable?
Balancing your time between your work and your personal life can seem like an impossible goal. In today’s world, communicating 24/7 is the norm and there appears to be no end in sight. Between the pressures of demanding work and our family responsibilities, finding balance can be extremely challenging. Yet, it’s still important to take…
3 Ways to Improve Productivity & Increase Your Bottom Line
Have you ever considered how your daily productivity affects your bottom line? It’s a fact that if you improve productivity you can increase your company’s growth and profitability. If you aren’t managing your time effectively or don’t have adequate systems in your business, you are most likely wasting time, which can add up to thousands…
Feeling Overwhelmed By Your To-Do List?
In today’s world many of us have an endless list of things to do and are feeling overwhelmed by our to-do list. Usually, we cope by doing only our most urgent tasks (not most important) and put the rest off until tomorrow. This approach only adds to the problem and pretty soon you stop noticing…
Is Your Productivity Drowning in Email?
Do you ever feel like you are drowning in email? New messages keep coming and before too long, older messages get buried and forgotten. If your in-box is overflowing and you have a continuous backlog if may feel as though you will never be able to catch up. This situation not only causes a lot of…
Is Overwhelm Holding You Back?
Are you one of the many people who wake up feeling anxious and overwhelmed thinking about the busy day ahead? If so, it helps to remember that you are not alone! We all have busy lives and demands on our time. And even though overwhelm can leave you feeling stuck, it doesn’t have to hold…
3 Easy Ways to Increase Productivity
Success in your business depends largely on the ability to maximize your resources. Your time is one of your most valuable resources and using it as productively as possible should be a top priority. If you find yourself spending a lot of time on things that aren’t the best use of your time, read on…
Your Personal Plan to Conquer Overwhelm
When Worry Is Counterproductive Most people have felt overwhelmed at one time or another, but when it takes up permanent residence in your life, it can be paralyzing and counterproductive. If you’ve become too familiar with overwhelm, it’s a good idea to have a routine or plan to conquer overwhelm in your business life to…
How Habits Affect Your Productivity
Daily Habits Did you know that your productivity is directly related to your daily habits? For instance, you may start your day with an idea of what you want to accomplish, but if you aren’t in the habit of deliberately planning your day, you are more likely to get distracted and lose focus. Your ingrained habits…
Always Reacting to the Latest Emergency?
Reacting vs. Scheduling If you are a business owner who frequently has to drop the task at hand when reacting to the latest emergency, you know that using this approach can be exhausting and overwhelming. This is a common problem, especially for those who wear all the hats in their business and it can be a…
Is Paper Clutter Ruining Your Life?
Waste of Time While there are many things that contribute to effective time management, the ability to find information quickly is at the top of the list when it comes to maximizing your productivity. That being said, one common cause of lost productivity is paper clutter. If you have piles of paper in your office, you…
Reducing Overwhelm Is As Easy As 1-2-3!
Challenges Most everyone I know has told me that they are overwhelmed with too much to do. Everyone has their own challenges, so the reasons are varied and there is no “one size fits all” solution. However, I do know that much of the problem has to do with the daily habits we practice. Therefore, if…