Category: Goals

  • Assess Your Goals for This Year

    Assess Your Goals for This Year

    Most of us are inspired and full of ideas for our business at the beginning of the year.  However, life is full of distractions and it’s easy to forget about our goals as the year progresses.  It’s not too late to assess your goals for this year, review them and take stock of where you are.  If…

  • Are You Running in Circles?

    Are You Running in Circles?

    “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” —Tony Robbins What Do You Want To Accomplish? Do you ever feel like you’re running in circles in your business? If so, setting goals is one of the most effective things you can do to identify where you should be spending your…

  • Does Goal Setting Make You Anxious?

    Does Goal Setting Make You Anxious?

    This is typically the time of year to set goals. Does the process of goal setting make you anxious? Resistance to Goal Setting We’ve all heard how important it is, yet many of us experience resistance because we may not know how to begin. If the mere mention of setting goals makes you anxious, skip…

  • 5 Great Reasons to Set Goals

    5 Great Reasons to Set Goals

    Do you want to reach a new level of success in 2012? Now is the time to review what you’ve accomplished this past year and look ahead to what you want to achieve moving forward. Here are 5 great reasons to set goals now for 2012: Plan Your Destination You wouldn’t plan a trip without…